Rules: Reveal all safe blocks. The numbers equal the number of mines that were touching that block
Left-Click: Reveal block
Right-Click: Flag block
Mousewheel-Click: Half-Flag (this is to flag two blocks as one of them being a mine. Use wisely, can be powerful or backfire if reckless)
Right + Left-Click on Number: Reveal all blocks surrounding number when number matches surrounding flags, works with both Flags and Half-Flags
Click and drag: Rotate board
Mousewheel scroll: Zoom in/out
I started this 3D Minesweeper project just to see what was possible with Javascript and CSS with no external gaming libraries. While writing it I realized I wanted to make a 3D version that is more faithful to the faster, advanced gameplay of the 2D original (using multi-clicks) while also being enjoyable for casual players, plus add some new gameplay elements and deeper logical puzzles that aren't in any version yet. I hope you enjoy it and I will continue to update and optimize it maybe with a 3D engine if I can get around to it - Cliff
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